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May one remove cholent from the crock pot with out taking it off the heat source?


May one remove cholent from the crock pot with out taking it off the heat source? The crock pot is a flat rectangular bottom with a rectangular shaped pot.


One should not remove cholent of any other food that is over the fire on Shabbos. The reason for this is that we are not allowed to stir food, even if it is fully cooked while it is over the fire, because stirring advances the cooking even if it is fully cooked. Removing food with a spoon is similar to stirring, therefore it should not be done while the pot is over the fire, therefore it should be taken off the fire before taking out the food. When a person has a blech, thepot can be slid to a part of the fire that would still keep the food hot, but isn’t directly over the fire, and remove the food over there, and then slide the pot back over the fire.

Have a good moed


Igros Moshe O:CH 4- 74 BIshul -8, 4-64.


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