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Food under an airplane seat


Can one put food l’chatchila under a seat on an airplane & is there a difference between first class where the seat becomes a bed?


It is controversial if the idea of not putting food under a bed applies to the seat of an airplane or not. Most poskim say that it is permitted as the seat of a plane is not really made for sleeping. Additionally reasons given by those who permit it are, the food isn’t on the floor under the bed, the person sleeping in front of you may be a gentile. There are however poskim that are machmir that it shouldn’t be put there. A first class seat is more of an issue because it is made for sleeping, although some of the other reason to permit would still apply.

Best wishes


Ashrei Hoish Y:D 7-18, Mishna Halachos 11-10, Teshuvos V’hanhagos 1-8, Shevet hakehosi 4-202, Hakashrus 18-ftnt 114, Yalkut Yosef O:CH 4-36, OHeli Yackov -Maacholei Akum pg. 675-9.

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