1. My mouth gets very dry when blowing the shofar and the kolos do not come out nicely. Am i allowed to drink water during the tekios? If so, would the brocha be a hefsek?
2. If the pitch of the kolos changes in the middle, does that pasul the kol?
3. If the strength of the kol changes in the middle, does that pasul the kol?
- Drinking during tekias shofar is problematic, because you can’t make a bracha then. What you can do, is to rinse your mouth with water, and spit it out. This way your mouth won’t be dry, and you won’t make a hefsek during the tekios.
- L’chatchila you should try that the kol stays the same throughout, b;dieved though it is still kasher, as long as there wasn’t a hefsek in the kol.
Kesiva vchasima tova
Eshel Avrohom (Butchatch) 590 D:H V’shomati, Seilas Shlomo 58 that the Maharil Diskin was very makpid on this, Kovetz Halachos 17-1, Hilchos Chag Bchag 12-22.