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Times of Divine Judgement and Mercy


I’m having some trouble comprehending the Kabbalistic concept of HaShem’s different attributes at different times of day.

Supposedly HaShem’s Divine Mercy occurs after midnight (hence why there is the opinion that selichot should only be said after this time).

Could you please explain this concept – where is it from and where is it derived that there are different times of day for different midot? What are the implications of this?

If we believe that HaShem is Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent then surely all his midot are always in play?

Logically, is there any difference between an mitzvah/aveira during times of din/mercy?


My apologies, but I am not a kabbalist, so I can’t help you with these concepts.

One thing I can explain, is that the word midda essentially mean measurement. The same way people have middos, such as happiness, stinginess, kindness, etc. They are called middos, because each character trait needs to be used in the correct measurement, and at the correct time. Happiness is great, but not during a funeral. Kindness is great but not to a murderer. Hashem also has middos, and He chooses to use the various attributes at the correct time and place that he sees it fit to use. He will use kindness for the downtrodden, and for the righteous, but He will use retribution for the wicked. Similarl to a pilot that has the capabilities to press whatever button, he likes, but only at the correct time..

Best wishes

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