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Mekabel a weekly fast.


So for a while now, I have fasted one day a week. I’m not mekabeling the fast on mincha the day before, but I arise on the day of approx 10 minutes before alot, drink water (I do not eat anything based on the opinion from the zohar that it invalidates the fast, even if going to bed with the intention of doing so) and declare my fast then using a formula from I’ve adapted from the Ben ish chai (mainly that I am fasting, if I can’t keep the fast I will donate a small amount of tzedaka and recite psalm 11 and would not have sinned). I have made it a custom to fast on this day of the week, and waking up that early to “formally” declare my fast.

I’ve read an opinion that it is pointless to declare the fast at all since I am known to do a personal tannis on this day, and since I am accustomed to it, there is no point.

However in another source, In the shulchan aruch says every fast to be counted must be accepted by mincha the day before, I didn’t realize the stringency of the language until I looked further into the matter . Which overrides which?


Thank you for your question.

There is an idea brought in the Shulchan Aruch 562-2 that those who fast during Aseres Yimei Teshuva or Erev Rosh Hashana, that there is no need to be mekabel taanis, since this is a minhag. Your situation is not exactly the same thing, because this is your personal custom, and not like the custom to fast Erev Rosh Hashana, which is a custom that is accepted among many in Klal Yisroel. Therefore, it is questionable if you are exempt from being mekabel taanis, and you should be mekabel at incha the day before, just to be sure.

As a side point, when a person fasts a private fast, he should not let other people know about it, as this can lead to haughtiness. See Shulchan Aruch 565-6, and M:B 565-14.

Best wishes


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