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How was it fair to punish the generation of the flood?


If we believe there is no morality without Torah, then how was it fair to punish the whole world for larceny and immorality? What else could be expected of people at that time? We know they had tzadikim like Noach and Adam etc… fine, but who says that was a fair thing to expect of people without a Torah? Why for that matter were Er and Onan punished?


Thank you for your question

The reason the Torah is the source of all morality, is because it is the word of G-d – who is the source of all wisdom, value, and morality. Additionally, it is simply understood that a person has to act morally. The Rambam (Hilchos Melachim 9-1) writes that Adam was commanded to observe six commandments. Idolatry, sexual immorality, murder, not to curse (G-d), not to steal, and to set up a court system (to keep law and order). Therefore, from the beginning of mankind, he was obligated to live on this moral standard, not to steal and not act immorally. This is also the reason that the generation or Enosh, who worshipped idols were punished and a third of the world was wiped flooded. This can also be why Yehuda sentenced Tamar to death, for immorality (until he learned that it wasn’t the case).

Er and Onan were worse, because they were from the home of Yehuda and were taught the Torah, as we know that our forefathers did know the mitzvos.

Best wishes

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