Cruise offers kosher airline meal type meals for daily lunch and dinner. Is it halachically permissible to eat if warmed up by non-Jew on Shabbos (presumably with microwave)?
We are not allowed to benefit from melacha that a gentile does for us on Shabbos. Therefore he can eat the food but only after it gets cold, in order that he should not benefit from the melacha that the gentile did for him. It is not considered as benefitting from the action of the gentile regarding the cooking of the food because it is already cooked, however the fact that now the food is warm, is a benefit from the action of the gentile. Therefore, he has to wait until the food cooks down.
M:B 253-34, 96.
Additional reading:
- Amira Le-Akum in Pesik Reisha
- Asking a non-jew to ask another to do melacha on Shabbos
- Gentile manager at simcha on Shabbos
- If someone forgot to light a yahrtzeit candle Friday night can the goy be asked to light it?
- Laundry service making pickup on Shabbos
- amira lakum during bein hashmashos
- Asking gentile to plug in crock pot on Shabbos