Hello. I mistakenly used the plastic cutlery holder from the milky dishwasher in my meaty dishwasher and it contained meaty cutlery. The holder had not been used since the previous night. What is the status of the plastic holder, the cutlery and the dishes. Thank you.
Assuming that there was meaty food on the cutlery or dishes, and the dishwasher uses hot water, you should do hagala on the plastic holder 3 times. I.e. Wait 24 hours from the time that the holder was washed in the dishwasher, boil water in a pot that hasn't been used (with hot food) for the past 24 hours, immerse the holder in the pot, and then wash off the holder with cold water. Spill out the water in the pot, refill with new water and then again immerse the holder in the pot, and then wash off the holder with cold water. Spill out the water, and repeat as above one more time.
The cutlery, and dishes are fine and do not need hagala.
The dishwasher should ideally not be used for 24 hours and then run on an empty cycle.
All the best
Regarding doing hagala to plastic- since there is a dispute whether plastic can be kashered, one should do hagala 3 times as is the opinion of the Baa'l Ha'itur (brought in Tur Y:D 121), and the Chazon Ish adds that the hagalas should be done with different water. [Heard from HaRav Yisrael Gans shlita].