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Shower – Hefsek


  1. In a Bdieved situation, such as when one doesn’t have a bathtub at home and Leil Tevila is Friday night, can one have a long shower instead?
  2. If a woman does a hefsek tahara and it is found to be bad, does she have to wash herself again? If one washes themselves in the shower how long should one wait between the shower and the Bedika?
  3. In a regular case, when a woman is able to do all Bedikos, does she have to go further during the Hefsek and day 1?

Thank you.



  1. Taking a bath is a recommended practice, however when it isn’t possible, a long shower is also sufficient.
  2. If the bedika did not come out good she does not have to wash her self again, and she can do the next bedika even right after doing the first one. As long as it is still before sunset. If she does wash herself again, she has to wait a few minutes before doing the next bedika. It is recommended that she wait approximately 15 minutes before doing the next bedika.
  3. She should do the best that she can by all of the bedikos that she does.

Best wishes


  1. L’torah V’horaah 7 pg. 25, Shevet Halevi 2-101, Mareh Cohen pg. 96, 199,
  2. Maharil Diskin 22, Igros Moshe Y:D 2-71, Halachos of Nidda pg. 63.
  3. Y:D 196-6.


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  1. “Taking a shower is a recommended practice, however when it isn’t possible, a long shower is also sufficient.”
    should read “taking a bath is a recommended…”

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