What happens if someone is collecting money and I say I will give them a certain amount without specifically thinking or saying that I will give it from my pre set aside masser money account? Can I still give it from maaser money or would it now be a personal chiyuv that cannot be covered by Maaser money?
Many thanks
You can use you maaser money for this tzedakah. Although you didn’t specifically havein mind to use the maser money, this is most probably what you meant, therefore you can give it from your maser money.
Tizku L’mitzvos
Additional reading:
- Maaser Kesafim for a needy Kallah
- Maaser for money given to buy a specific thing and maaser to one’s children
- Giving a gift for certain purposes
- Do you need to give maaser from a loan?
- Giving Maaser from money I receive from my parents
- Using maaser money to pay for child’s tutor
- Counting Matanos L’evyonim and Kimcho D’Pischo towards Ma’aser contribution