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A few questions of fastdays, siman 568


Siman 568
1. Why is it, that if one mistakenly forgot and `broke` ones fast, one should continue to fast, surely this is no fast anymore!
2. The Mechaber talks about forgetting. What about if there is another reason why he ate, such as seudas mitzva or similar.
3. Assuming the answer is that indeed, the same halacho applies, why do we continue eating after joining a Siyum on Taanis Bechorim, would e not say he should be mashlim the fast, as per shulchon oruch 568 seif 1?



  1. The reason the person should continue “fasting” or better yet not eating, is because if it is a public fast day, he may not eat, and even if he did already eat, it doesn’t permit further eating, as this day is a fast day.
  2. Although the Mechaber uses the word forgot, the Bach, Magen Avrohom and others say that it also applies if the person ate knowingly. If he ate at a seudas mitzva, then it depends on what kind of fast it is. On the 6 public fasts the seudas mitzva is made after the fast. If it is a personal fast, then it depends on how he accepted upon himself to fast. See Siman 568-2 for details.
  3. You are asking an interesting question. See Halichos Shlomo (Pesach) chapter 8 ftnt. 1, where R’ S. Z. elaborates regarding the whole concept of this fast, as it isn’t mentioned in most of the Rishonim. Secondly, if the reason is because the bechorim didn’t die, then all of their offspring should also fast, because they were saved as their grandfather didn’t die then? Additionally, this day should be a day of thanksgiving that Hashem saved us and not a sad fast day? Besides why don’t the oldest in the house also fast as they were also saved from “makas bechoros”?

He answers, that the reason for the fast is because originally the bechorim were the kohanim, and since they sinned with the “egel” it was taken away from them, and now the avoda in the Bais Hamikdash is done by the kohaim. Since erev Pesach is such a happy day, that everyone in Klal Yisroel is bringing a korban, and there was so much work being done on the Bais Hamikdash, it is a sad and embarrassing day for anyone who would have been a kohen today. Therefore, in the time of Bais Hamikdash the berchorim were so sad over what they lost that they couldn’t eat, which made the day of ever Pesach a sort of fast day, and this is the origin of this minhag. Then he explains, that this could possibly explain the minhag that after making a siyum that we continue not to fast. He says because simchas hatorah, takes away the pain of not having the right to bechora, as the gemora says, that torah is greater then being a kohen. Therefore, the joy of making or partaking in a siyum dispels the sorrow over losing out on being a kohen, therefore there is no need to fast.

Have a great day


  1. O:CH 568-1 ,M:B 586-2.
  2. O:CH 568-2, M:B 586-1.


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