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Intermarriage and Olam Haba


I understand the motion that a Jew should marry a Jew . My question is not why that is happening but what will happen to the marriage of an interfaith couple in the resurrection and the world to come ? (A wedding is only achieved when a Jew is married to a Jew and in the world to come there will not be conversions ) Will they marry another Jew or be single and living sad because of the many years they have spent with that person and now they are separated from them?


Thank you for your question.

You are asking what an intermarriage will look like in the world of truth, at the time when we will all receive our just reward and consequences for our actions. The way things will work, is only the way that G-d views it. From G-ds perspective, a Jew and non-Jew cannot be bound together in marriage and the fact that they call themselves married has no bearing in Jewish law. If anything, the marriage was a terrible sin, and in the world of truth we will terribly embarrassed by it and will not wish to have any connection to this source of embarrassment. We have to understand how G-d looks at intermarriage. Being that a Jewish boy that marries a gentile woman causes that by Jewish law and the way G-d looks at it, that his children are not Jews rather gentiles. Intermarriage essentially is the ultimate destruction of the Jewish people, and total opposite of what G-d wants us to accomplish in this world. G-d choose the Jewish people to be a nation that serves Him, sanctifies His name, and brings the world closer to the realization of who its creator is. When a man spends his life doing the exact opposite, causing potential Jews to become non-Jews, G-d looks at it very unfavorably. The difficulty a person who intermarries will have will not be the loneliness, rather the eternal embarrassment that he lived his life doing the opposite of what he was supposed to, and that he didn’t accomplish what he was meant to accomplish. Additionally, intermarriage contains a certain kind of karet

This does not mean that a person who intermarried is totally lost. Hashem in his infinite mercy created the idea of repentance. It is possible to return to Him, and if done correctly, it can cause the person to reach tremendous spiritual heights, and a tremendously coveted portion in the world to come. It isn’t easy, because the person will have to abandon the sin that was done, and in the future try to correct his ways, but it is doable, and then the person will remain very fortunate.


Tractate Sanhedrin 82b, Rambam Hilchos Issurei Biah 12-6.

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