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Tying down schach on sukjah


I live on the 6th floor. I’m afraid my schach will blow away.

  1. Can I tie down the boards between metal sukkah and schach?
  2. Can I tie down the schach?



Thank you for your question.

  1. It is permitted to tie the boards down, as long as the schach is lying directly on the wood and not on something that is mekabel tuma. (If the rope is only a covering a small part of the wood, that is also fine.)
  2. Regarding tying the schach itself, this will depend on how easy it is for the schach to blow away. If it can blow away from the normal winds, then they may only tied down with something that isn’t makbel tuma. What you can do it to place some heavy beams on the schahc to hold them in place, since these beams arenot mekabel tuma. However, if the schach will not blow away from the normal winds, but you are afraid of an abnormal wind then you may tie them even with something that is mekabel tuma.

Have a good Tom Tov


O:CH 520-7, 8, M:B 529-22, 24, 26.

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