Thank you, this is a follow up to part 2 of our hatoras nedarim correspondence:
1) Not learning during chazoras hashatz is something that I just did rather than a kabbalah that I said - would this be included in the original hatora where I spoke about learning commitments?
2) By false pretenses, I'm not referring to whether it was necessary to have started saying tikkun klali a few years ago, rather, I'm referring to the din that if one does something a few times thinking its required by halacha, and then finds out it wasn't the halacha, then having repeated the action wouldn't have created a force of a kabbalah (I think this is the din - perhaps I'm wrong...). In my case, I'm referring to where I have repeated something a few times since the hatoras nedarim several weeks ago erev rosh hashana - and I'm asking whether repeating the action since the hatoras nedarim reinstates it back into a neder. (And I'm suggesting that the kabbalah does not become reinstated, as any continuation of the kabbalah was done under false pretenses (i.e. I've only now found out that the original hatora was effective).
Much appreciated
You question were:
1) Not learning during chazoras hashatz is something that I just did rather than a kabbalah that I said - would this be included in the original hatora where I spoke about learning commitments?
2) By false pretenses, I'm not referring to whether it was necessary to have started saying tikkun klali a few years ago, rather, I'm referring to the din that if one does something a few times thinking its required by halacha, and then finds out it wasn't the halacha, then having repeated the action wouldn't have created a force of a kabbalah (I think this is the din - perhaps I'm wrong...). In my case, I'm referring to where I have repeated something a few times since the hatoras nedarim several weeks ago erev rosh hashana - and I'm asking whether repeating the action since the hatoras nedarim reinstates it back into a neder. (And I'm suggesting that the kabbalah does not become reinstated, as any continuation of the kabbalah was done under false pretenses (i.e. I've only now found out that the original hatora was effective).
The answers are
- Yes it is included.
- You were mores modaah, and for good measure say that it is bli neder.
I hope this issue is already clear, and with this I would like to bring this correspondence to a close.
Best wishes