My name is Menachem (28) and I was wondering if you can help me with my question, I know I asked this question before but if the Rov can please help.
- It started around last Elul Tishrei time when I wanted to buy a computer, thoughts of, 'if you buy a computer something not so good will happen to you' ( illness Chas v'shalom) so I Decided not to buy one (I do not think I ever spoke out that I won't buy a computer but Maybe I did) My first question is, is this a neder/shvua /kabalh blev?
- And my second question is, more recently a family member of mine went to the hospital for a procedure and it took a little longer than usual, again thoughts ( I might have spoken it out) of ' if he comes out of the procedure fine, then I won't buy a computer and if I do something Should happen to me ' were going through my head ( I'm not sure if ever spoke out this whole "loshon" but maybe I did) Is this a neder/shvuah beis tzarah? could I be mattir it? What should I do?
- My third question is, if someone makes a neder/shvuah and says if he is oi'ver his neder or shvuah then he accepts a onesh on himself, is that part of the neder/shvuah? does hatarah work on the "tnai" that he made?
- If you didn’t speak it out of your mouth it isn’t a neder and you have no need to worry about it.
- To me sounds like you didn’t speak it out, but you are just very nervous, therefore your yetzer hora is making you crazy, with the thought of maybe… I don’t think you haveto be matir anything, but if that will make you happy so be matir it.
- If a person makes a tnai on a neder, since the hatoras neder cancels the neder from in onset, so the condition also no longer exists.
Best wishes