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Passover wine


In our family, we always use Manischewitz concord red wine throughout the year. However, for Passover we have to make sure to buy the bottles that have the P (Kosher for Passover). What ingredients in Manischewitz concord red wine makes it normally “Kosher not for Passover use” and then changes to kosher for Passover.



Thank you for your question.

Essentially wine is produced once a year, and then it is either Kosher for Passover or not. Nevertheless, if they didn’t write That it is Kosher for Passover it could be that wine was bottled on machines that bottle other juices etc.  If indeed it doesn’t have a Kosher for Passover symbol, then I wouldn’t buy it for Passover. You can however call the company and ask them directly.

Best wishes


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1 Comment

  1. Thank you for your reply. There are many kosher products where the label or box will note they are not kosher for Passover use. One prime example is matzo meal which is sold all year round. Another one which I have come across is a brand of shredded cheese which is kosher but cannot be used for Passover. When shopping for Passover goods, especially in large grocery stores, one has to always look for the Passover symbol.

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