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Walking in Shul


As a follow up to  The M.B. #151 – 1, states: “Ein metayelin bo…… ” one does not walk in a Shul…. I assume that means one stands still and Davens to HKB”H as if one were in a court standing before a Judge.




The Shulchan Aruch here is quoting a Gemora in Megilla 28b, regarding what may be done in a shul, and one of those things is not be “metayel”. Metayel here does not mean not to walk, rather not to spend leisurely time, to air out or vacation in a shul. The same way we don’t talk idly, eat, drink, or even enter a shul just to cool down from the sun. All of these things are disrespectful to the house of Hashem. This halacha is part of Hilchos Beis Hakneses, which refers to the proper respect that has to be given to a shul even when we are not davening there and has nothing to do with davening.

The meaning of metayel cannot be that it is forbidden to walk in a shul, first of all, because how else will one get to his seat! Or course we will say that for a tzorech it is permitted, but no one says that. In fact, the issue is not discussed by any of the poskim, when a person is allowed to walk in a shul and when he isn’t.

Those people walking around while they daven, although you find it disturbing, and personally I think that one will be able to concentrate better on their davening when sitting still and davening. However, halachically the only times we are not allowed to walk is while davening Shemona Esrei, and for part of the first parsha of Shema. Therefore, as stated although I agree with you that they should be sitting and davening (if they can), but we can’t say that they are doing something wrong.

Best wishes


See Kitzos Hashulchan 29-5, who says this idea. Also see Piskei Teshuvos 151- ftnt. 24 who brings this idea from a sefer Tzedakah U’mishpat Chapter 12 ftnt. 10.


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