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Shmitta – Ha Rav, Do we still need to be concerned with Shmitta peels for compost?


Ha Rav, Do we still need to be concerned with Shmitta peels (in the 8th year) of Avocado, tomatoes, cucumbers, oranges, bananas, lemons, tangerines, carrots and potatoes. I wanted to use them for compost?




Although after Rosh Hashana of the eighth year it is no longer shemitta, and we are permitted to work in the fields etc., however the fruits that grew in the seventh year, still have the halachos of shemitta. This would include vegetables that grew during the seventh year which would be sefichim, and fruits that bloomed during the seventh year.  Therefore, the various peels should not be mixed together in a way that one will make the other rot quicker. However, after the peels have rotted and are no longer fit for human consumption, you can do whatever you want with them, and since it is already after shemitta, you can use them as compost, and use them as fertilizer.

Best wishes


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