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Translate word in Kesubah


Sholom U'Brocho!
Thank you in advance for your assistance.
I am wondering if you can please translate 2 words written in some versions of a Kesubah.
1 - When it talks about the Kallash belongings she brings with her to the marriage some kesubos use the words "MiBei Avuha" from her father's home and others use the words "MiBei Nasha". What is the translation of "Mibei Nasha" ?
2 - There are various ways to spell different words. When one spells the words Shalosh (3) does it require a Vav? Does Shishi require a Yud in the middle and at the end? If required what happens if it isn't there?
The above are hyperthetical... Someone wrote a fancy Kesubah and wants to make sure there are no mistakes before the wedding...
Hatzlocho Bakol




  1. The difference between the two is that when the kallah has a father then she is bringing her belongings into the marriage from her “father’s home”, then we write "MiBei Avuha". However, if she doesn’t have a father then we write "Mibei Nasha" which means “the women’s place”.
  2. Regarding the word shalosh, we need some more clarification, because according to Nachlas Shiva, when writing the day of the week, we write בשלישי with two yuds, and when writing the day of the month we write שלשה. Shishi is with one yud at the end, and this is the preferred way to write it, see Nachlas Shiva siman 5 and 6.

Aside for these questions, it would be advisable for the kesuba to be taken to the mesader kedushin’s in advance of the wedding so he can look it over, so you don’t have any disappointments the last minute.

Mazal Tov to all


שולחן ערוך אבן העזר הלכות כתובות סימן סו סעיף יא "כשהאב קיים ומשיא בתו, כותבים: ודין הנדוניא דהנעלת ליה מבי אביה; וכשאין האב קיים, כותבין: מבי נשא (מרדכי פרק ב"מ בשם ר"ת)", וכן בנחלת שבעה ט-כד.


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