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Switching Tzedoko


My husband is a melamed in cheider and sent his talmidim to collect money on Purim a having in mind a certain person in Eretz Yisroel who desperately needs financial help. The children had pushkes with “Aniyei Eretz Yisroel” printed on and my husband gave them a hamlotze letter which that yid had gotten. Meanwhile the talmidim came back to my husband, having collected more money than expected. Are we allowed to take some of the money and give it to different aniyim in Eretz Yisroel (being that the text on the pushka was in plural and not even all the kids took with the hamlutze letter) or is the whole money reserved for that one recipient whom my husband had in mind to start with?
Another question we have: as an incentive to make the children want to go, my husband promised them presents as a reward, THINKING AHEAD OF TIME that he will take between 10-20% of the amount collected, to pay for these presents. Is this allowed? and is he allowed to use that money now for this?
Thank you so much!!



  1. My husband is a melamed in cheider and sent his talmidim to collect money on Purim having in mind a certain person in Eretz Yisroel who desperately needs financial help. The children had pushkes with “Aniyei Eretz Yisroel” printed on and my husband gave them a hamlotze letter which that yid had gotten. Meanwhile the talmidim came back to my husband, having collected more money than expected. Are we allowed to take some of the money and give it to different aniyim in Eretz Yisroel (being that the text on the pushka was in plural and not even all the kids took with the hamlutze letter) or is the whole money reserved for that one recipient whom my husband had in mind to start with?
  2. Another question we have: as incentive to make the children want to go, my husband promised them presents as a reward, THINKING AHEAD OF TIME that he will take between 10-20% of the amount collected, to pay for these presents. Is this allowed? and is he allowed to use that money now for this?
    Thank you so much!!



  1. Although it said, for “aniyei Eretz Yisroel” the money was intended for a specific person, since there was a letter which referred to this specific poor person, therefore the money should go to him. This applies as long as the poor person still needs the money, however if the money was collected for a specific purpose, i.e. to pay for a buy the person a fridge, and enough money was collected already for it, then it can be given to other poor people. However, if the money was collected because the person needs general financial help, and even if he was given enough money to help him finish this month, he will need it for next month. Or if he is marrying off a child, and could use the money for the next child, etc., then it is still considered as if the poor person needs the money, and it should be given to him.
  2. Giving the children an incentive to collect is part of the expenses that are needed in order to raise the money, and you may use the money that was collected for it.

Best wishes


שולחן ערוך יורה דעה הלכות צדקה סימן רנג סעיף ו “עני שגבו לו להשלים לו די מחסורו והותירו על מה שצריך, המותר שלו. ואם גבו לעניים, סתם, והותירו, ישמרו לעניים אחרים”. וזה שגבו לענין מסיום לעני זה, ונשאר אח”כ ע’ ס’ באורח צדקה פט”ו סע י”ב בשם ר’ ש”ז אוירבך זצ”ל.


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