I have an insulin issue and I got a heter to drink tea instead of grape juice for kiddish on Shabbos. I’m wondering how to handle this issue for the Seder. Can I use tea instead of grape juice? Or can I drink a very small amount of grape juice and how much can I dilute the grape juice? Is it okay to further dilute light grape juice? I cannot handle drinking wine so grape juice is my only option.
Please see the attached guide Friends With Diabetes for people that have diabetes, regarding the four kosos and the matzoh etc. , on Pesach.
Refuah Shleima and chag Kasher v'sameach
Additional reading:
- Can a nurse aide (gentile) sit at the Seder table with her patient? Can she also partake of the meal being presented?
- Cooked chicken Seder night
- Kos shel Eliyahu options
- No roasted food on the night of the seder.
- Brushing Teeth After Afikoman
- Wine and grape juice for the seder
- Most important parts of the seder