If one has a silver pendant with the pasuk Kadish li kol bechor engraved on it, is one allowed to wear it while in the bathroom or during tashmish or does it have kedusha and should not be worn
These pendants and rings, are commonly sold in Eretz Yisroel, and some of the have very nice pesukim on them. These rings etc., however have an issue that if three consecutive words of a pasuk are written, then it is considered shaimos, and has kedusha. Therefore it would need a double covering in order to take it into the bathroom, etc.
If the words of the posuk would be changed around, such as if it would be written "כל הבכור קדש לי", (as is often done with the posuk אם אשכחך ירושלים on wedding invitations) or if the terminology would be switched from singular to plural, such as "קדש לי הבכורים", then it would not have kedusha. However, the way that it is presently written would render it shaimos.
Best wishes
שולחן ערוך יורה דעה הלכות ספר תורה סימן רפד סעיף ב
אסור לכתוב ג' תיבות מפסוק בלא שרטוט, אם הוא כתב אשורית. (ואין חילוק בין כתיבה לחקיקה בעצים או בזהב) (ב"י בשם ר' ירוחם נתיב ב') ומיהו באגרת שלומים מותר לכתוב אפילו כמה תיבות מהפסוק לדבר