The newly released book “Unbelievable Insights about Moshiach and the Final Redemption” is now available (as a paperback, hardcover and digitized version) for purchase and delivery on Amazon at
Some of the questions discussed in this book are the following.
What is the correlation between the rapid advancement of technology and Moshiach coming?
What concrete actions can we take to express our anticipation of Moshiach?
In what ways can we accelerate Moshiach’s arrival?
What will the future redemption look like?
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Rabbi Alt merited to learn under the tutelage of R’ Mordechai Friedlander ztz”l for close to five years. He received Semicha from R’ Zalman Nechemia Goldberg ztz”l. Rabbi Alt has written on numerous topics for various websites and publications and is the author of the books, Fascinating Insights and Incredible Insights. His writings inspire people across the spectrum of Jewish observance to live with the vibrancy and beauty of Torah. He lives with his wife and family in a suburb of Yerushalayim where he studies, writes, and teaches. The author is passionate about teaching Jews of all levels of observance.
Please feel free to print some copies of this publication and distribute them in your local shul for the public, thereby having a hand in spreading Torah.
Leftover Shabbos Food
Many view leftover Shabbos food as undesirable and distasteful. How do the righteous look at it?
R' Tzvi Elimelech of Dinov (1783-1841), also known as the Bnei Yissaschar, relates an interesting anecdote of a great Tzadik whom he was a gabbai of, the Tzadik of Pshevorsk. This Tzadik would leave over some of his Shabbos food for the weekday. When an honorable guest came during the week, he served him some of this leftover Shabbos food. He would call it a semblance of the shyarei menachos, leftovers from the Mincha offering.[1]
A Jew once came to the Munkatcher Rebbe pouring his heart out because his son-in-law was very sick and the doctors despaired. The Rebbe told him that it is known from tzadikim the great segula of Shabbos food. “I advise that the sick person should eat from Shabbos leftovers.” The sick person took this upon himself and was adamant about eating Shabbos leftovers all week and indeed he continued to live for a long time after this sickness nearly took his life.
[1] Bnei Yissaschar, Tamuz and Av, 1:10 s.v. v’od omeir. The Bnei Yissaschar relates elsewhere (Maamarei Hashabbasos, 1:12) that he saw people who were careful from giving Shabbos food to an eino-yehudi.