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Going to the bathroom in the middle of the night


A person asked me that he wakes up in the middle of the night 3-4 times every night to go to the bathroom, and he wanted to know if he has to say Asher Yotzar every time. I said, I think yes. He said, but in the middle of the night he is half asleep and will basically be saying a shem hashem levatala since he will just mumble the bracha without kavana. So, is there a svara to say he shouldn’t say Asher Yotzar, or should he just say it and try his best to say it properly?




A person that uses the bathroom in the middle of the night has to say Asher Yotzar, whether it is once or five times. The fact that he is drowsy, will not exempt him from saying the bracha, and he should say it with as much kavana as he can.

Best wishes

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