I once heard that it's a lack of modesty for women to learn CPR and first aid. Is this true?
Thank you.
I don't think it is a lack of modesty. Firstly because if a woman needs it, it is saving a life, and even if a man needs it, it is also saving his life. In Eretz Yisroel they teach CPR in the seminaries, and all teachers need to learn it. there is also a gemora that says that a person who sees a woman drowning and says that he won't save her because it isn't tznius is called a chasid shota, a pious fool, because due to his piety someone is going to die. Therefore I don't see an issue with it.
Best wishes
so why is he called pious?
He thinks he is pious, but really he is a fool. It is a sarcastic term.
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