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Baila be'ir for chosson and kallah


Would a chosson be a source of permission for the kallah to be in a situation of "yichud" under the principle of "בעלה בעיר"? Although they are not halachicly married, perhaps the "fear factor" that her husband-to-be may find her in a suspicious circumstance would be enough to permit yichud?




I don't think so. In halacha, the fact that they would like to get married, has no bearing, because right now they are two people without any real, halachic connection. In fact the two if them are forbidden to be b'yichud, and are also considered high- risk yichud, because they are friendly with each other. If he is expected to come soon, then he is no different than any other person who would be a shomer, but the fact that he is simply in the city is not enough. Unless you will find poskim that indeed say this.

Best wishes.

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