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Do I Need to Listen to My Parents


I learn in Yerusholayim and I want to go up north in the summer (5784). However, my parents don't let and they have told me to stay in Yerusholayim.

My question is, visiting kivrei tzadikim and exploring Eretz Yisroel is a big mitzvah, if I do what I can to stay safe, i.e. not hitchhike, take cover when sirens sound etc. Can I say that what I am doing is a mitzvah, therefore, I don't need to listen to my parents?




To say that your parents are telling you not to do a mitzva by not letting you explore Eretz Yisroel, is pushing it. Right now, there is an element of danger to go up north, as there are daily missile falling there. Besides, the gedolim don’t approve that bochurim should go touring and enjoying themselves when the country is at war. It shows the non- religious, that instead of going to the army, we are touring the country, and having a good time, which has an element of chillul Hashem to it.

Try to find yourself, more local, toned-down ways of getting back your strength for the next zman, and IY”H you’ll be able to do all these big mitzvos, at a more opportune time.

Best wishes


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