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After Kashering


Hello, I need to kasher a small pot and a bunch of spoons. All spoons and pot were fleishig but accidentally dairy soup was reheated and boiled in the fleishig pot and spoons were used. I was told to heat up a bigger pot that wasn’t used for 24 hours and then I can drop the spoons and smaller pot in once that bigger pot is boiling. The bigger pot is a fleishig pot. So after the kashering, what happens with the bigger pot? Does it need to be kashered itself? Also, where should I dispose of the water that absorbed the treif taste?




You should wait until 24 have past since using the smaller pot and spoons, which would render them all eino ben yomo. Then the spoons and pot can not make your other pot trief, and it would not need kashering.

You may also dispose of the leftover water wherever you wish, as it technically isn’t considered trief.

Best wishes


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  1. Thank you. I did it. But the small pot didn’t fit all the way and I was also worried that the water was not staying boiling once the small pot was put in. So I put the small pot in (with handle sticking out) and then in again with handle sticking in. I actually did this a couple of times. Did immersing the pot a few times create any problem or cause the immersed pot to reabsorb the treif flavor?

    1. What you did is fine, even tohuhg you inseerted the pot in a number of times, to get the differant parts of the pot. As long as the water returned to a boil while the pot ws immersed in it.

      1. Pot was always returned to a boil, did the same part of the pot a couple of times bc I was a little worried after first one. But my understanding is that is not a problem either (though maybe unnecessary). Correct?

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