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Advice on trying not to get yetzer hara in the first place and Does Satan know Halacha


I see advice on the web about combating the yetzer hara. Things like tell it you will do what it asks later,among other strategies. Is there any advice on not getting the yetzer hara in the first place.

An additional question which may seem weird initially is this.
Does Satan know halacha? I ask this because Satan is the chief accuser of putting forward his case of what we have done wrong.




Although this may sounds strange, Judaism does not say to get rid of the yetzer hora, rather to contain it, channel it and use it properly. There is a gemora that says that the sages at one point wanted to “kill” the yetzer hora, and what it caused was that the chickens didn’t want to mate and there were no eggs laid. They therefore realized that the yetzer hora has positive aspects to it. It gets us to eat food and keep ourselves alive, it gets us to populate the world, and gives us the ambition to get things done. It it like horse, that has a lot of power, but has to be trained, and channeled to do the correct things, and when properly trained, I will serve the master, (who is the person’s soul, and intellect), which knows what is correct in life, and can steer it in the right direction. We have to eat, and we are supposed to have an appetite so we can be healthy. We have to have a healthy family life, but in the correct setting, place and time. Additionally the yetzer hora helps man get reward for overcoming his animalistic instincts, and do the will of Hashem and gr rewarded for it.  Therefore we specifically don’t want to get rid of the yetzer hora totally, however we do want to control it.

Regarding your next question, yes he yetzer hora is part of our psychology, and inside our mind, and yes he does know the halacha.

Best wishes


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