Removing soup from a pot with a ladle. while taking a kneidel or vegetable, is one permitted to pour the soup out of the ladle if you just want the knaidel?
If the knaidel or vegetable is large, according to numerous poskim it is not considered mixed with the liquid soup, therefore you may pour off the soup by tilting the ladle without a problem. If they are small, you may tilt the ladle as long as the liquid is flowing out of the ladle in a stream, however when the stream starts getting narrow and it about to stop, you should stop letting the liquid flow from the ladle, because then it is considered, as if are separating the bad from the good using the ladle itself.
שו”ע ס’ שי”ט סע’ י”ד, מ”ב ס”ק נ”ג, נ”ד, נ”ה, וע’ אג”מ או”ח ח”ד ס’ ע”ד בורר אות א’, ושלחן שלמה שי”ט אות ל”ד- ב’ בד”ה גם כ”ז שיש הרבה מים… כיון שהמים מקלחים בשפע.
שביתת השבת בורר סע’ י”א בא”ר אות כ”ה, וכן קצה”ש ס’ קכ”ה בדה”ש ס”ק י”ד .