1. What should and shouldn't be inserted into the end of shemoneh esrei? There's a segulah to say perek kuf chof alef of tehillim there for shidduchim - but can we put other things in there too, like tefillas hashlah, if saying things within shemoneh esrei gives it greater power so to speak?
2. Are you supposed to add in your tefillos before saying the second yihiyu l'ratzon, or after saying v'al kol yisroel v'imru amen but before saying the closing yihi ratzon?
- Personally, I am not familiar with this segula. In general, elokai nitzor is the time when we talk personally to Hashem and ask him for everything that we need. Picture your self, talking to your father or mother when you need something. How would you talk, and what would you say? That is the way we should ask Hashem for whatever we need.
- The personal tefillos that one says should be said after saying the first yihiyu l'ratzon (for those who say it two times), and before saying "aseh l'eman shimecha...", which is before the second yihiyu l'ratzon. After saying all of our personal tefillos
אורח חיים ס' קכ"ג