Hi Rabbi,
I'm wondering about Mikvah for women. I notice men can often go frequently or every day to the Mikvah. Why don't women go more frequently other than the set time according to their cycle?
I recently had an emergency hysterectomy and am no longer obligated in Mikvah and I'm coming to terms with the loss of being able to go. I'm very grateful that I merited to know and go throughout my marriage. Would there be any benefit for me to go without a Bracha in the future?
Thanks very much
There would be a benefit for you to go once after the hysterectomy, (without saying a bracha) as there is an opinion, that this should be done, just in case it caused or there was uterine bleeding prior to the surgery, (although this is controversial, there is still a benefit to it). Other than that, there is no need for a woman to go to the mikva. The reason men go to the mikva is not applicable to women. There are however married women who go to the mikva on erev Yom Kippur.
Best wishes
נשמת אברהם יו"ד ס' קפ"ח ס"ק א' אות ב' מ"ב ס' תק"ו ס"ק י"ז וכ"א, אמנם נערות לא יטבלו.