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Spiritual purity and connection to G-d


How can I attain spiritual purity in order to feel more connected to Hashem? My connection feels flat.




It is wonderful that you feel that you want a connection with Hashem. In a way it means that essentially you DO have a connection to Him, although you don’t feel it. The truth it that for most of us, unless one is on a high level, we will not “feel” a special connection to Hashem. The reason being that, we are surrounded by a physical body, and loads of things that pull us away for Hashem, however the second our neshoma leaves the physical body, that feeling will be tremendous. Additionally, when the Bais Hamikdash was with us everyone had such a feeling, and this is in part why we daven for the Bais Hamikdash etc.

On a practical level, there are still things that we can do to help ourselves in this area. Here are some of them:

  1. First of all, as you write, one has to work on spiritual purity, and stick away from all sort of unclean pictures, articles and activities that are unclean, especially using technology, such as the internet, social media and the like.
  2. When you daven, picture that you are actually talking to Hashem, and He is listening to every word you say. The same way you would talk to your father, and you can feel free to ask him for anything that is on your mind, (not only the big things), you can and should ask Hashem for everything that you need. Talk about any problem that you have. This will help you develop a relationship with Him, and with time, you will feel it.
  3. Even when you are not formally davening, you can include Hashem in to your day. As you are doing your daily things, when something goes good for you, stop and talk to Hashem. Say, “Hashem, thank you that I got a parking spot”, or “that supper came out tasty”, “the store had what I wanted”, etc. Additionally, when you need something during the day, (you need to catch a bus or find a parking spot), ask Hashem to help you. It says in Tehillim, “kariov Hashem l’chol kora’ov…” “Hashem is close to all who call out to Him”, even when it isn’t during official davening times. The more times during the day you will think about Hashem and talk to Him, the more you will feel that you have a special relationship with Him.
  4. Additionally, when making a bracha, which we can say approximately, 100 of them a day, stop and think, that you are now talking to Hashem, and think about what you are saying.
  5. Another idea is to include Hashem when doing a mitzva. Any mitzva, whether it is washing your hands for a meal, helping someone, being considerate, or any other mitzva, remember that you are doing it, because Hashem wants you to. Not merely because it is a nice thing to do, rather because Hashem is my authority, and I am doing what He want me do to. This is another way of incorporating Hashem in your daily life, and it will make you feel closer to Him, inyour daily actions.
  6. Understandably, the more you invest in above ideas, the more of a feeling of connection you will eventually have. It won’t come instantly, however with time, as you grow in your relationship with Hashem, the feeling will slowly become part of you,k and stronger and stronger.


Hashem should send you much, siyata dishmaya


Best wishes


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