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CC Refund


Question, I returned goods and never received a refund. Merchant claims his bank refunded; I never received it. My CC Bank says too old to dispute. Does the merchant owe me the money, regardless of what his bank is telling him?



It might be in the merchant’s best interest to refund the money to you; however, Bais Din and the customer cannot obligate him to do so. This is because one cannot force someone else to pay unless it can be proven that he owes the money.

What I would advise you to do is ask the merchant for the details and verification of the bank transfer, when it was done, etc. then you can check with your bank what happened and why it wasn’t received.

Best wishes


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  1. My bank investigated for a few weeks, and responded that they did not see or get anything regardless of verification numbers that merchant is providing. Also, I provided all my cc statements that shows I never received any refund. Thanks for responding.

    1. Do you have that in writing to show the merchant to show his bank?

      1. He supplied my statements to his bank, and they said that they have a system number that money was sent out and they can’t help further. My feeling is, I should be paid back, and merchant should deal with his bank.

        1. I understand you, but on the other hand, we can not force him to pay. The aggrivation that you had out of this, should be a kapara, and who knows maybe this aggravation was given to you instead of something worse, such as a health issue, and many other more significant life problems.

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