I have an interesting shailah and wonder what you advise.
I left a paper bentcher on my kitchen table and it got wet. The paper stuck to the table and it has Hashem’s name on it. It is now stuck to the table, and the only way I can get it off is by scratching it off. Am I allowed to do this, or do I need to just leave it?
If I have to leave it, can I continue using and cleaning the table like normal?
Please advise what I should do
Good Chodesh
Oh my! Yes, this is an interesting question.
You cannot erase shem Hashem, and you should look for an idea how to get the paper off the table without erasing the words. If there indeed is no way to remove the bentcher without erasing shem Hashem, then the bentcher will have to stay there. You would however have to make sure that with time it doesn’t get erased (See Mishna Berura siman 1). Therefore, I would advise that you put clear contact paper over the bentcher, so it won’t get erased. The table will not become sheimos, because it was not designated for this.
Best wishes