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Zecher Lechurban


I bought a house and completely reonovated the inside. I told the contractor to leave a zecher lechurban, but instead of leaving it unpainted, he painted over it with a layer of paint – but the rest of the house has 2 layers of paint, so the zecher lechurban looks different than the rest of the room, but it is painted over. Is that good enough or does he need to take off the paint?




The space that is for zecher lechurban is meant to be left unpainted and raw, and not with only one layer of paint.

Best wishes


משנה ברורה סימן תקס ס”ק ג
ואותו השיור יהיה בלא סיד ודלא כאותן העושין אמה שחור דזהו ג”כ ציור [לבוש]

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