I lit candles this week for Shabbat very close to the Shkia and it’s possible I missed it. Would I have to add another candle since I’m not sure if I lit on time? Also, I already missed in the past so I already light an extra candle, so do I now have to light two extra candles? Thanks!
The rule is that one adds a candle for each time she misses. However, since you don’t know if you missed it or not, you would not have to light another one for it.
As a side point, according to R’ Moshe Feinstein zt”l a woman may not light her candles closer to 2 minutes before shkia, because of the mitzva of tosefes Shabbos, which is a d’orayso. Therefore, if it gets closer to 2 minutes before sunset, don’t light you candles (however a gentile may light them for you then), and you would light an extra candle from then on.
Best wishes
I know of an app put out by MyZmanim that has a countdown timer to candle lighting. That way you'll never miss!
You can get the app here:
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