- If food that was cooked in a non ben-yomo fleishig pot is beings eaten and some falls onto a milchig table, does that matter?
- If that is not a problem, would it be a problem if the pot was ben-yomo?
- [If someone is eating the food can we assume it's not Yad Soledes, or is that more complicated because it might be a davar gush?]
Thank you so much!
- The food is still kosher and permitted to eat.
- Even if the food was in a ben yomo pot, the food will not give any taste to the table s it is three nat bar nat (food to pot, pot to food, food to table) which will not make the table fleishig.
- The above would apply even if the food is a davar gush.
As a side point, although the table is technically called milchig, the table will usually not be actually milchig, unless something like hot pizza fell on that specific spot.
Best wishes