Is it ok to finish a mesectha in let's say in Elul, and make a siyum in Teves? Or is it better or required to leave over something of the mesechta that has not been learned for the time of the siyum? Thank you.
A siyum is a celebration made when the person completes a mesechta or seder of Mishnayos. Upon completing this, we make a party, to show the importance of the accomplishment. It can’t be done even a few days after completing the mesechta, as it isn’t connected to the finishing of the mesechta, rather it should be on the day that the mesechta is completed. It is not a raincheck to make a party whenever the person wants, similarly a person won’t get married, and make the wedding party three months, or even three days later.
Best wishes
מנחת יצחק ח"ח ס' מ"ה