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High Holidays Food


Dear Rabbi,
I have a few questions regarding food for the high holidays. We have a fish but not meat eater.

  1. Are any foods not permitted erev Rosh Hashanah? I read about no vinegar, nuts, etc
  2. Is fish permitted at the meal on erev Rosh Hashanah? Salmon fillet or gefilte fish without horseradish? Are eggs permitted at the meal erev Rosh Hashanah?
    3. Is anything not permitted erev Yom kippur?

Thank you very much




  1. In your question you write ever Rosh Hashana. In halachic terms, the day starts from sundown, therefore “erev Rosh Hashana” would refers to the day until sundown, at which point Rosh Hashana would start, and the meal would be eaten after the Maariv prayers. The customs of what which food we don’t eat only applies to Rosh Hashana itself, (and extends until Yom Kippur of later according to each person’s custom), but not to erev Rosh Hashana, when all foods are permitted.
  2. By the Rosh Hashana eve meal, etc., any fish is permitted, however many abstain from eating horseradish, because of its bitter taste. Eggs are also permitted.
  3. On Erev Yom Kippur, during the day time, we have a mitzva to eat, and it is written that one who eats on erev Yom Kippur, will be merited as if the person fasted on erev Yom Kippur and Yom Kippur. There are however certain foods that are preferably not eaten, for technical reasons. For example, beef[1] is not eaten, (unless chicken is not available). And men[2] don’t eat eggs, warm milk[3], roasted garlic, or drink wine during the meal right before the fast.


Have a kesiva v’chasima tova


[1] שולחן ערוך אורח חיים סימן תרח סעיף ד, “בערב יום הכיפורים אין לו לאכול אלא מאכלים קלים להתעכל, כדי שלא יהא שבע ומתגאה כשיתפלל. הגה: וכן אין אוכלים דברים המחממים את הגוף, שלא יבא לידי קרי; וכן אין לאכול מאכלי חלב שמרבים זרע, אך בסעודת שחרית נוהגין לאכלן. (מהרי”ל)”.

[2] ע’ ס’ הל’ חג בחג (ימים הנוראים עמ’ שיב הערה 141 וז”ל “ונראה פשוט דלנשים אין קפידא בכ”ז עי’ תוס’ יבמות יב:, וכתובות לט. דלאו בנות הרגשה נינהו… אבל ע”י אכילת דברים מחממין פשוט שאין לאוסרם בעיוהה”פ יותר משאר ימות השנה”.

[3] משנה ברורה שם ס”ק יח “מאכלי חלב – חמה ועיין בט”ז דה”ה דיש ליזהר משום וביצים שהם ג”כ מרבים זרע. כתב הפמ”ג דחלב המעורב בתבשיל או טיי”א עם חלב אפשר דבטל ברוב לענין זה.

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  1. Thank you Rabbi,
    Since I meant the meal once Rosh Hashanah has started, to clarify, eggs, fish, are ok?

    And for the pre Yom Kippur dinner, is fish permitted? And eggs allowed for women?

    thank you

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