I am a single girl in shidduchim and I recently went to Eretz Yisroel and got a lot of brachos to find my shidduch B’karov. One bracha I got was to merit to find my zivug by/on Sukkos taf shin pei hay. I really got a lot of chizzuk from that. I am literally counting down the days and davening extra hard to Hashem and doing extra zechusim so I should merit the bracha (for instance I gave up texting on my flip phone). I wanted to know if it is a problem to have too much belief in a bracha and shows a lack of emunah in Hashem? Thank you!
You are bringing up a very good point, and I am happy that you have your head on straight!
We do not have emuna in a bracha, and not in any segula, rather we have emuna only in Hashem. Hashem is the only power that can help us in any situation. Unfortunately, nowadays, we are all too quick to run to believe in all sorts of segulos, brachos, inyonim, and this takes away from our concentration, and our belief that Hashem is ein od milvado. As a gadol once lamented, we have gone from being the “am segula”, to an “am of segulos”! One of the 13 Principles of faith is that Hashem is the only one to daven to, not to malachim, gedolim, segulos, or anything else.
Having said that, so what is the inyan of a bracha, or a segulah, etc? There are merely things that have a certain power to them, to somehow get Hashem to want to answer our tefillos. For example, a bracha from a tzaddik. We don’t believe in the bracha itself, rather that since a bracha essentially is a tefillos, that the tzaddik is davening to Hashem that you should get what you need, and often the tefilloh of the tzaddik has the power to get Hashem to do what the tzaddik requests. However, we must remember that at the end of the day, it is Hashem, who knows best what our needs are, who will decide if the tefilloh of the tzaddik should be answered.
For example, what if your chosson, for whatever reason, is not ready, or can’t get married yet. Should Hashem allow the bracha to force the issue when it isn’t good for you? You don’t want it, if it isn’t in your best interest. Therefore, we daven, get brachos, and do the segulos, but we must keep emuna in Hashem at the forefront of our minds, that He alone is the one to decide to whom, and when, it is best for the person’s tefillos to be answered. On the other hand, we do daven that if the time is ripe, according to what Hashem knows, that it should happen soon, by Succos this year…
After saying all of this, I’d like to add my tefillos, that HKB”H should send you your bashert, b’karov… hopefully very soon, and you should be zoche to build a bayis neeman b’Yisroel.