Thank you for your response.
The rabbis wrote "...the same applies to edible food and clothing."
What about clothing that hasn't been checked for Shatnez? Wouldn't that qualify as Muktzeh?
Thank you.
There is controversy about this. See sources.
What was meant that clothing never becomes muktza, refers in general to clothing that one might wear, however if they are shatnez, they are not wearable.
Best wishes
ששכ"ה )פרק כ' דפו"ח סעי' ל"ח( – "והוא הדין לגבי בגד חדש שיש בו משום חשש שעטנז )שהרי אסור ללובשו כל עוד שלא נבדק("אשרי האיש או"ח ח"ב פרק י"ז אות רי"ח( – "בגד המיועד לבדיקת שעטנז, אינו מוקצה, כיון שעל פי רוב אין בהם שעטנז".