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Lost Objects


If I go to a party with a phone and air pods. Someone leaves their bag at the front of the house. When I go home and open my bag there is 2 pairs of air pods. I message the chat which the party is on to let them know but no one responds. The airpods are not identifiable? Can I keep the second pair of air pods and use or sell them?




Essentially they have to be returned to their owner. Since you picked it up, possibly before the owner knew that it was lost, you are considered a shomer on it, and have to save it even after the owner loses hope on getting it back.

What you can do is to write down on a piece of paper or on your computer that you found these air pods, the date and where, and if anyone comes to claim it, or when moshiach comes, you will return them the money that it is presently worth. Then you may use them etc.

Best wishes

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