If I forgot Yaaleh V'yavo in Shemona Esrei of Rosh Chodesh, and by the time I realize it is already past Chatzos, should I repeat Shemona Esrei?
Thank you.
Yes you will repeat Shemona Esrei, however being that it is already time to daven mincha, it will be done as a makeup tefilla. The way it is done is that you first daven mincha Shemona Esrei, then repeat Ashrei, another Shemona Esrei, this one to makeup for Shacharis that you missed, and then Aleinu.
Best wishes
Additional reading:
- Mistaken Yaaleh Vyavo
- If one missed Mincha and Mussaf, should one say three Maariv Amida prayers?
- Daven A Second תפילה after donating a kidney
- Missed two teffilas due to being sick with the flu.
- Forgot Yaaleh Veyavo on the second day of Rosh Chodesh by Mincha
- Davening after Chatzos
- Missed prayers (Shacharit-Minch)