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Help with ahavas yisroel


Dear Rabbi,
I am really struggling with ahavas yisroel with a relative through marriage. They live with my family for multiple weeks at a time and on these visits, I find myself losing my composure, not being able to handle things well, and dwelling on the things they do that bother me. I see that this is my problem, not theirs. I would like to have only love for them and learn to not be bothered by my "triggers"and to focus on their good, but I am having trouble putting that into practice. I am wondering if there is anything you can think of maybe books or texts, or Torah thoughts that might encourage me to be able to maintain a higher level ahavas yisroel in this case?

Thank you very much




From your question it is evident, that you are a growing person, and even when things ae difficult, you don’t succumb to the yetzer hora, rather you fight it. You have my deep respect!

Dealing with in -law, and one’s spouse’s family are not easy. Mother-in-laws, and sister in laws, etc. are not born witches, and the proof is that IY”H you will be mother-in-law on day. Your in-laws are most probably fine people, and the relationship with them can be great, however one has to know that there is a built-in subconscious friction, between the two of you, and it can cause us to over react to any slight, insult, or any other one of a million things that a person can get hurt from. A person can get insulted form their sister, (which happens quite often) and within a day or two, you’ll be willing to make up, and like them again. But if your sister-in-law will tell you the same thing, it can take months to get over it. This fact is important to know, I order to be able to combat your yetzer hora, when something does crop up. Know that although what was said was insulting, but being that she is a sister-in-law, you are emotionally overreacting, and you have to fight that feeling.

There is a fantastic book, written by R’ Zelig Pliskin shlit”a called Anger: The Inner Teacher, and in his book, he gives guidance how a person can train himself to look at things differently, which will combat the cause of the person’s getting annoyed ad angry. This book might help you.

Best wishes


יבמות קיז. לענין עדות, קידושין פ"א : בענין יחוד, וע' באגרות בעל הפמ"ג (הקדמה לשו"ע) ערך חמת, שזה הטעם למה קוראין לחמות שם הזה משום הכאס ושנאה הזאת.


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