In the Choshen Mishpat article for Parshas Chayei Sara you dealt with a situation where an illegally parked car received damage due to somebody trying to pass and inadvertently damaging it. The overall conclusion was that as long as the car had no permission to be there, and the damage was not intentional, there would be no requirement to pay.
However, you did not address what would be, in the same situation, where the car attempting to pass also received damage, as is common when two cars bump each other. Would the illegally parked car have the din of a BOR, which is patur for keilim, and therefore also not have to pay? Or is there more to the story?
He would be patur but not just because a bor is patur on keilim but because the driver damaged himself
Hatslocho rabbo
All the best
Yosef Fleischman