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Returning hair bobbles


Hi, my wife came across some old hair bobbles that had come back from our daughter's nurseries a long time ago which weren't ours but she had forgotten to return. We have no way of telling who they belonged to (whether to the nursery itself or other girls) and it spans a two year period where she was in two different nurseries. What do we need to do in terms of trying to return them, we do have contact details from many of the parents and the ganenets in those years but no bobble has a siman and I'd assume it very unlikely anyone could identify them as theirs a year or more later. Thank you




You do not have to be concerned about them, since it is possible that the nursery teacher put one on your daughter, from the ones that she has in the nursery. (Sometimes they will keep a basket for things like this from lost items, for when they are needed). Additionally they might have been swapped and the other parents, don't care.

Best wishes

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