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Davening all day


Can a person technically spend all day davening (whether formal or informal tefillah), just like some people spend all day learning Torah and some people spend all day doing chesed? Meaning, would this be a praiseworthy thing? Tefillah is after all a mitzvah.




Technically you’re correct, a person can spend the whole day davening, in indeed the person is connecting to Hashem, and the person’s mind is not wandering. However, from a practical angle, it isn’t advisable. Firstly, because we are not capable of concentrating on their tefillos so much. Additionally, doing something that most other people do can lead the person to become haughty, and feel subconsciously feel, that “I am better than everyone else, because I daven so much”, which is the opposite of tefilloh. Tefillos is feeling humble in front of Hashem, and if it causes ga’avah, then it is in a way counterproductive. A third idea to be wary about, is that at times a person who is stringent regarding bein adom l’amakom, can end up being lenient in bein adom l’chaveiro, and their extra davening, can be at the expense of a person’s family, and other obligations.

There is however a way for a person to technically be davening and actually living together with Hashem, while the person is living a very normal life. The Ramban says that there is a specific mitzva to daven to Hashem when a person has a problem, even if the problem is not a life threatening one. For example, a person is getting close to the place he would like to park, and parking in that area is difficult, daven to Hashem, and say, “Hashem please help me find a parking spot!” That, according to the Ramban was a mitzva d’orayso! Then after you find a spot, thank Hashem for helping you find the spot. Then when you walk into the store, say, “Hashem please help me find what I need quickly”. Then after you finish shopping, thank Hashem for all the things the store did have”. You’re preparing supper, before you start, say, “Hashem please help me that it should come out good and tasty”, after it comes out good, thank Hashem for helping you with it. This is a way to live with Hashem and develop and cultivate your relationship with him, in a healthy manner.

Best wishes


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