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Chanuka lighting when wife works late


If my wife works till 8:00 pm all week, and I am the only home. she gives me permission to light without her presence. is it better for me to wait for my wife so I have someone present when I light, or I should light n by the time of lighting? I would rather wait. please advise


You should wait for your wife to come home, because the woman enjoys when she is there for the lighting of the menorah (unless it is very clear that she doesn’t care at all). It is brought in Halacha (Orach Chaim 678) that if a person has enough money either for Shabbos candles or Chanuka candles, that Shabbos candle come first, because shalom bayis is more important than the Mitzva of lighting the menorah. You will still be yotza if you might at 8pm, and the fact that your wife will feel she is part of the lighting, is more important than lighting on time.

Best wishes

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