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Brachos carried over a bread based meal


Does a bracha rishona made before a bread based meal, carry over to after the meal, or is a new bracha required?




In most instances a new bracha rishona would be required.

It depends on a number of factors. If you ate from that food during the meal, i.e. ate some potato chips before the meal, and during the meal, then the birkas hamazon will exempt all that was eaten and you would made a new bracha rishona. Additionally, if the food you ate was meal food, then the birkas hamazon includes it. Additionally, if you were not thinking of continuing to eat this food after the meal, then since you diverted you mind from eating this food, then you would need to say a new bracha. In fact, it is a good idea when starting to eat, to have in mind that you are now stopping to eat this food because you are eating am meal, then after the meal you will make a new bracha rishona.

Best wishes


משנה ברורה סימן קעד ס"ק כ"ה "... ולענין מים ושארי משקין ששותה קודם המזון ואינו שותה בתוך המזון דעת הרבה אחרונים דצריך לברך עליהם ברכה אחרונה שאין בהמ"ז פוטרתן דמכיון ששתה אותם קודם המוציא אינם שייכים לסעודה כלל לבד יי"ש שוה ליין דהוא מעורר תאות המאכל ועיין בה"ל"


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